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Spitfire Mini Bots

Spitfire, the Inferno Mini-BOT can be crafted using fragments dropped in Inferno 1(Entrance) and 2(Ramparts). 3 fragments of the same version and a crafting coupon is needed to create a Spitfire. Spitfire comes in 5 versions each one giving a small HP boost plus more:

  • VIT = Further increases the HP boost
  • ADAP = Gives an increase to Trans Gauge, Trans Bot Attack, and Ranged Attack
  • ROID = Increase your Health further by equipping more Trans Speed, intended to give Rams a way to be more tanky
  • ASSN = Increase your basic damage further by equipping more Speed, intended to give Surges a new way to fight more like an assassin
  • ATK = Increase your your transformed damage further by equipping more TransAttack, intended to give Patches a more overall offensive approach in and out of transformation
SpitfireVIT BOT type: Any Item type: Giga minibot Req. Level: 1
This fiery companion from the Inferno powers up your health.
HP +940
SpitfireADAP BOT type: Any Item type: Giga minibot Req. Level: 1
This fiery companion from the Inferno powers up your attributes.
HP +225
Transformation Gauge +100
Trans Bot Attack +140
Ranged Attack +130
SpitfireROID BOT type: Any Item type: Giga minibot Req. Level: 1
+1 HP per 1 TS
This fiery companion from the Inferno boosts your Health the more TransSpeed you have.
HP +225
SpitfireASSN BOT type: Any Item type: Giga minibot Req. Level: 1
+1 AtkMin (Basic) per 20 SPD over 1000, +1 AtkMax (Basic) per 16 SPD over 1000
This fiery companion from the Inferno boosts your attack damage the more Speed you have.
HP +225
SpitfireATK BOT type: Any Item type: Giga minibot Req. Level: 1
+1 AtkMin (Trans) per 32 TA over 1000, +1 AtkMax (Trans) per 26 TA over 1000
This fiery companion from the Inferno powers up your AtkTrans the more TransAttack you have.
HP +225

Team Ohka 2024 ∙ Acclaim BOTS Remake ∙ 2024-12-07* Contact us