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Chat Commands

List of all currently available Commands:

  • @namechange <name> Change your in-game name (requires Name Changer coupon)
  • @passbox Do not collect certain item "boxes"
    • @passbox <boxtype> If you get the item box <boxtype>, give it to someone else instead
    • @passbox boxtypes Box code list
    • @passbox status List currently "passed" boxes
    • @passbox reset Reset all box passes
  • @dogexp Shows your Ohka Pup's experience (requires dog equipped)
  • @crystals Shows how many Crystals you have
  • @toggle
    • @toggle ignorehead Make your Coin Head invisible
    • @toggle ignoremini Make your Coin Mini-Bot invisible
    • @toggle boxdrops Your box pickups have a chance to be from other BOT types (requires Box-Swapper coupon)
    • @toggle autosell Non-rare pickups are automatically sold (requires AutoSell coupon)
    • @toggle elitestash or @toggle es Enable 50 storage spaces for elite and transmog parts (requires Elite Stash)
  • @optoggle Allows PvP rooms to toggle between allowing and disabling OP items (can be toggled by the Room Master)
  • @teamchat Type while in-game a Team PvP or BvB game to switch between team chat and global chat
  • @stashset < 1-10 > or @ss < 1-10 > Cycle between stashes (requires Extra Stashes)
  • @itemset or @set
    • @itemset save < 1-5 > Saves your current equipment as item set
    • @itemset < 1-5 > Cycle between itemsets (requires PresetSlot item/s)
    • @itemset name < 1-5 > <name> Allows you to change the name of each item set
    • @itemset names Displays a list of your saved item sets and their names
  • @quests or @q Lists available Quests
  • @quest <number> or @q <number> Shows quest details
  • @checkemblems Shows the list of Emblems that you've unlocked
  • @changeemblem <number> Changes your currently displayed Emblem
  • @inventorylist or @inv or @il Shows the list of items in your inventory
  • @marketplace or @mp Shows the correct syntax used for the Marketplace
  • @itemduplicator <invslot> Enables you to duplicate any item using the inventory slot id (requires ItemDuplicator coupon)
  • @overclockplus Increases your Overclock level by 1. Experience is unaffected (requires Overclock++ coupon)
  • @stack This will stack coupons, vouchers and coordinates in your inventory (doesn't work with Skill Packs)
  • @easymode or @ez Type in a Sector room to make all sectors 1-98 easier
  • @giftlog or @gl Shows the last 5 gifts received
  • @redeemvouchers Display how many Coins / Gigas redeeming your vouchers will give you
  • @redeemvouchers confirm Type to finalize this redemption, this is permanent, your vouchers will be redeemed
  • @pvpmods help Shows the list and details of PvP Modifiers, must be typed in a PvP room
  • @zodiacpoints or @zp Type anywhere to check your Zodiac Points
  • @autoready < 1-3 > or @ar To Enable AutoReady, set value 0 to disable
  • @resetdelvestreak Type to reset your Delves streak to 0
  • @seasonpassinfo or @spinfo Displays all Season Pass benefits
  • @gettiertotal Shows total amount and eligible Tier
  • @claimtier<1-5> If applicable, tier rewards can then be obtained with this command
  • @guildocp or @go in the room for the top 10 rankings of Occupation Points for the selected map

Team Ohka 2024 ∙ Acclaim BOTS Remake ∙ 2024-12-07* Contact us