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Ohka Zodiac

Welcome to the Ohka Zodiac, where every month will feature a different Virus of the Month! Obtaining 10,000 Zodiac Points will automatically gift you a Golden Zodiac Transformation Pack for the relevant Zodiac month

May - the Month of Nimba

May is the Month of the Nimba! For the month of May, players can use Nimba to unlock the GoldenNimba Zodiac trans!

Nimba BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 1
It's May, the OhkaZodiac Month of the Nimba!
GoldenNimba BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 1
Unleash the power of the Viruses against your enemies!
Attack (Trans) +200 ~ +300

June - the Month of Scalper

June is the Month of the Scalper! For the month of June, players can use Scalper to unlock the GoldenScalper Zodiac trans!

Scalper BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 1
It's June, the OhkaZodiac Month of the Scalper!
Attack (Trans) +40 ~ +100
GoldenScalper BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 1
Unleash the power of the Viruses against your enemies!
Attack (Trans) +300 ~ +350

July - the Month of Blackmal

July is the Month of the Blackmal! For the month of July, players can use Blackmal to unlock the GoldenBlackmal Zodiac trans!

Blackmal BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 1
It's July, the OhkaZodiac Month of the Blackmal!
GoldenBlackmal BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 1
Unleash the power of the Viruses against your enemies!
Attack (Trans) +100 ~ +200

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