The Factory Depot

This incredible new map plays a little differently than the rest of the maps available in Ohka BOTS. Here, enemies scale exponentially, causing enemies to get stronger as time goes on. But you, too, will experience exponential growth here! The Factory Depot is a testing grounds for a brand new combat system never-before-seen in BOTS, and I'm incredibly excited to debut this here. This mode can be found and selected at the bottom of the Sector map list.
Every 10 seconds, enemies will deal 10% increased damage, and spawn in with 10% increased HP
Every spawn will be randomized after enemies die. True survival this time!
Only 4 players can challenge the Factory Depot at once
Playable by Overclock 0 players with automatically scaled down enemies
Players without the Inferno pass will be able to play 8 times per day, while pass holders will have 12 games per day
HP and RB are disabled
XP and Giga rewards are based on mob kill amounts
Full XP is rewarded to the player who kills the enemy, while half XP is rewarded to other players that are currently in combat
List of buffs
To aid you in the Factory Depot, you will be able to purchase incredibly powerful buffs in the Event shop this time around. Currency for these buffs (Factory XP) are obtained through clearing the map. Although your first few rounds you may not get very far, you will obtain XP that enables you to power up and get further your next try! These buffs use never-before-seen mechanics in BOTS that are easy to identify via an interface at the top of your screen.