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Gun Scrap

This Scrap can be obtained from completing Quests.

Gun S.C.R.A.P BOT type: Any Item type: Coupon Req. Level: 0
Secured Container of Recycled Assorted Parts. Sell to shop to receive the item inside!

Gun Scrap Possible Loot

Light BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 1
20 Games
Special weaponry produced by Argo Inc. 180 damage, 20 ammo, 3 recharge
Honor BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 1
20 Games
Special weaponry produced by Argo Inc. 160 damage, 30 ammo, 4 recharge
Truth BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 1
20 Games
Special weaponry produced by Argo Inc. 195 damage, 20 ammo, 3 recharge
DoubleBeam BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 1
20 Games
Twin photon amplifier fires double high speed lasers at once. Damage 100 x2, 25 ammo, 3 recharge

Team Ohka 2024 ∙ Acclaim BOTS Remake ∙ 2024-07-14* Contact us