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Basic controls

Arrow keys = Move
V = Attack
C = Jump
X = Guard
Z = Transform

Further controls

Double click arrow keys: Run
X+C = Active Skill
X+V = Fire Gun
C+V (Mid-air) = Jump attack
V (Running) = Running attack
B = Deploy Mercenary (Coin item)
H = Use HP/RB Pack
T = Untransform, lowering remaining TransGauge by 50% in Sector, 75% in PvP & 85% in BvB. Below requires an active skill to be equipped.
A = Stun Attack
S = Upper Cut
D = Ion Wave
F = Rush
G = Guard Crush

Other controls

ENTER Opens/Closes chat prompt
ESC Exits the current game
SPACE While spectating, switches between players
NUM0-NUM9 Switches spectator camera angle
F1 Toggles Help menu
F2 Toggles User Interface
F3 Toggles Stats HUD
F4 Kills your BOT (Suicide)
F5-F8 Macro commands

© Team Ohka 2021–2025 ∙ Acclaim BOTS Remake ∙ Astro v5.3.0 2025-02-14 Contact us