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Patch Sets (Shop)

Hammer-Head [Lv1]

Hammer-Head BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 1
Hammer-Head is an upgrade for Patch. The plating on this head part provides extra protection.
HP +133
Critical +5
Hammer-Head BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 1
Hammer-Head is the basic upgrade for Patch. Modules modify the arms to allow the signature attack.
Attack (Trans) +35 ~ +38
Trans Bot Attack +10
Hammer-Head BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 1
Hammer-Head is the basic upgrade for Patch. Heavily armored and weighted, these arms pack a punch.
Attack (Basic) +10 ~ +14
Trans Bot Def +10
Ranged Attack +3

C.A.T. [Lv1]

C.A.T. BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 1
Originally used for data mining, the C.A.T. is a sturdy upgrade for Patch.
HP +265
Critical +30
C.A.T. BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 1
The transformed C.A.T. is a sturdy upgrade for Patch that can power through many obstacles.
Attack (Trans) +41 ~ +56
Speed +3
Trans Bot Attack +32
C.A.T. BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 1
The C.A.T. arms contain Pentanium-reinforced spikes that shatter weaker armor.
Attack (Basic) +13 ~ +19
Trans Bot Def +22
Ranged Attack +5

Hazard-Hex [Lv5]

Hazard-Hex BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 5
A heavy mining upgrade for Patch. The retrofitted head piece allows for a unique piston attack.
HP +397
Critical +55
Hazard-Hex BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 5
The Hazard-Hex body hides the pressure-powered piston attack system found in transformed mode.
Attack (Trans) +52 ~ +79
Speed +5
Trans Bot Attack +55
Hazard-Hex BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 5
Arms on the Hazard-Hex retract during the special attack, adding force to the punch.
Attack (Basic) +17 ~ +23
Trans Bot Def +34
Ranged Attack +8

Crash-Bolt [Lv15]

Crash-Bolt BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 15
The heavy-duty Crash-Bolt can create tremors. Stabilizers in this part help control this behemoth.
HP +429
Critical +80
Crash-Bolt BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 15
The large body frame of Crash-Bolt creates the incredible inertial forces used during attacks.
Attack (Trans) +68 ~ +107
Speed +8
Trans Bot Attack +77
Crash-Bolt BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 15
The twin bolt hammers in the Crash-Bolt arms give this set their name.
Attack (Basic) +20 ~ +27
Trans Bot Def +46
Ranged Attack +9

LykanLauncher [Lv25]

LykanLauncher BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 25
The launchers on this upgrade can easily disintegrate weak viruses. The eyes are for targeting.
HP +440
Critical +105
LykanLauncher BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 25
This body module holds the launcher mechanism that can easily disintegrate weak viruses.
Attack (Trans) +83 ~ +140
Speed +9
Trans Bot Attack +100
LykanLauncher BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 25
The LykanLauncher arms serve as missile containers that can also be used in closed combat.
Attack (Basic) +23 ~ +33
Trans Bot Def +58
Ranged Attack +12

Hyperbore [Lv35]

Hyperbore BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 35
Borrowed from mechanized work BOTS, this head piece is built extra tough.
HP +660
Critical +130
Hyperbore BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 35
The body frame provides the force behind this unit's special attack
Attack (Trans) +95 ~ +159
Speed +12
Trans Bot Attack +122
Hyperbore BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 35
Arm parts on this set are dangerous weapons in the transformed state.
Attack (Basic) +26 ~ +37
Trans Bot Def +71
Ranged Attack +14

Firewall [Lv45]

Firewall BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 45
Heat is at the core of this set with the head piece channeling the most
HP +924
Critical +155
Firewall BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 45
The center module is triple reinforced to prevent overheating.
Attack (Trans) +106 ~ +182
Speed +14
Trans Bot Attack +145
Firewall BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 45
The modified arm pieces make the unique attack possible.
Attack (Basic) +32 ~ +43
Trans Bot Def +83
Ranged Attack +17

Blazer [Lv55]

Blazer BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 55
The sensor on this head piece's forehead finds weak points in metals
HP +1054
Critical +180
Blazer BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 55
Standard armor on this set is colored green, hinting at its natural work origins
Attack (Trans) +123 ~ +210
Speed +17
Trans Bot Attack +167
Blazer BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 55
Often been called the paddles, these arms are not just used to move water.
Attack (Basic) +34 ~ +47
Trans Bot Def +95
Ranged Attack +20

Ultrabash [Lv65]

Ultrabash BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 65
The sensor on this head piece's forehead finds weak points in metals
HP +1107
Critical +205
Ultrabash BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 65
The core mechanisms on this BOT support the massive power of the arms
Attack (Trans) +137 ~ +238
Speed +18
Trans Bot Attack +190
Ultrabash BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 65
The unique arms on this unit use incredible forces created with plasma pressure.
Attack (Basic) +38 ~ +53
Trans Bot Def +108
Ranged Attack +21

CGS [Lv75]

CGS BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 75
Taken from the best of all prior assemblies, this head unit is the best of the best
HP +1186
Critical +240
CGS BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 75
Taken from the best of all prior assemblies, this body unit is the best of the best
Attack (Trans) +149 ~ +261
Speed +21
Trans Bot Attack +212
CGS BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 75
Taken from the best of all prior assemblies, this arm unit is the best of the best
Attack (Basic) +42 ~ +57
Trans Bot Def +120
Ranged Attack +24

Plasmodium [Lv85]

Plasmodium BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 85
Stolen from a high-security facility, these untested parts are considered extremely dangerous.
HP +1458
Critical +278
Plasmodium BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 85
Stolen from a high-security facility, these untested parts are considered extremely dangerous.
Attack (Trans) +162 ~ +294
Speed +24
Trans Bot Attack +235
Plasmodium BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 85
Stolen from a high-security facility, these untested parts are considered extremely dangerous.
Attack (Basic) +53 ~ +63
Trans Bot Def +133
Ranged Attack +26

Vectorium [Lv95]

Vectorium BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 95
The highest tier of BOT equipment for the vanguards of Cyberspace.
HP +1660
Critical +330
Vectorium BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 95
The highest tier of BOT equipment for the vanguards of Cyberspace.
Attack (Trans) +220 ~ +340
Speed +27
Trans Bot Attack +262
Vectorium BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 95
The highest tier of BOT equipment for the vanguards of Cyberspace.
Attack (Basic) +56 ~ +71
Trans Bot Def +154
Ranged Attack +30

Team Ohka 2024 ∙ Acclaim BOTS Remake ∙ 2024-09-02* Contact us