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Sistema de Skins

Nuestro sistema de skins es una característica nunca antes vista en los servidores de BOTS. Las skins vienen en forma de cupones que deben ser activados. Las skins se pueden obtener de varias formas, algunas se pueden comprar en la tienda y otras solo se obtienen al jugar. Ten en cuenta que puedes usar el cupón, pero necesitas tener la versión permanente del objeto para poder intercambiarlo por una de sus skins disponibles. La mayoría de los cupones de skins comparten el mismo ícono, pero hay algunas excepciones.

Botón de Uso

El Botón Use puede encontrarse en My Info y Shop.

Para activar un objeto, selecciona un objeto en tu inventario y luego haz clic en Usar y el objeto será consumido. Actualmente se utiliza para objetos de skins enumerados a continuación.

¡Las cajas de SCRAP se moverán a esta función pronto!

Swap System

El Botón de Swap puede encontrarse en la pantalla de My Info. Puedes utilizar este sistema para cambiar de skins de arriba para abajo. Seleccionando un objeto y presionando Swap abrira un menu el cual de te dejará cambiarlo con las otras variantes desbloqueadas que tengas.


Skins de Transformación

Skins disponibles en los paquetes de Transformación al usar el botón de Swap. Debes tener la versión permanente del objeto base.

Lady-Winter BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 1
Can be obtained from Xmas S.C.R.A.P, requires Lady-Valor (Permanent) in order to Swap
Transforms your bot into into the blizzard's fury, Lady Winter.
Attack (Trans) +25 ~ +125
DigiDragon(Legacy) BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 0
Can be obtained from Space Station, requires DigiDragon (Permanent) in order to Swap
Transforms your BOT into the monstrous fire-breathing DigiDragon.
Overrunner(Legacy) BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 0
Can be obtained from Space Station, requires Overrunner (Permanent) in order to Swap
Transforms your BOT into the the relentless sprinting machine, Overrunner!
ObsidianDragon BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 1
Can be purchased for 500 Coins, requires DigiDragon (Permanent) in order to Swap
Molten Obsidian skin for DigiDragon. Created by DeadSpirit.
UrbanKhanZ BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 1
Can be purchased for 500 Coins, requires SuperKhanZ (Permanent) in order to Swap
Urban skin for SuperKhanZ. Created by Merc.
Golden-Knight BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 1
Can be purchased for 500 Coins, requires White-Knight (Permanent) in order to Swap
Golden-Knight skin for White-Knight. Created by Cabal.
Attack (Trans) +75 ~ +125
NightLight BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 1
Can be purchased for 500 Coins, requires LanternMan (Permanent) in order to Swap
NightLight skin for LanternMan. Created by Cabal.
GeneralOhka BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 1
Drops at a medium rate from any CorruptGeneral. Requires GeneralScourge (Permanent) in order to Swap
Transforms your BOT into the bazooka-wielding General Ohka.
Attack (Trans) +75 ~ +175
LoveDragon BOT type: Any Item type: Transformation pack Req. Level: 0
Can be purchased for 500 Coins, only during Valentines Day. Requires DigiDragon (Permanent) in order to Swap
Happy Valentines Day! Created by Cabal.

Skins de Armas y Reactivos

Reactivos y skins de armas disponibles al usar el botón de Swap. YDebes tener la versión permanente del objeto base. Los reactivos son intercambiables.

Vengeance BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 100
Vengeance is a Justice reagent that rarely drops from Lv100 Return to Macro
Litter the battlefield with powerful mines. 400 damage, 75 ammo, 15 recharge
Retribution BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 1
Retribution is a Justice reagent that rarely drops from Inferno maps
This weapon of retribution drops immensely powerful mines. 10,000 damage, 3 ammo, 1 recharge
Summer Justice BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 1
Summer Justice is obtainable during the Summer event replacing the normal Justice drop. Can be obtained from Summer S.C.R.A.P
This powerful weapon drops very powerful mines. 2,000 damage, 10 ammo, 3 recharge
Summer Vengeance BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 1
Summer Vengeance is a skin that unlocks along with obtaining Summer Justice
Litter the battlefield with powerful mines. 400 damage, 75 ammo, 16 recharge
Summer Retribution BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 1
Summer Retribution is a skin that unlocks along with obtaining Summer Justice
This weapon of retribution drops immensely powerful mines. 10,050 damage, 3 ammo, 1 recharge

Skins de Cabeza de Moneda

Skins de Cabeza de Moneda disponibles al usar el botón de Swap. Debes tener la versión permanente del objeto base.

<Card id="7414121" desc="Diva is a skin of the Goldie/Brunette Coin Heads. Can be obtained from Summer S.C.R.A.P" />

Kong BOT type: Any Item type: Coin head Req. Level: 1
Kong is a skin of the Igor Coin Head. Can be obtained from Summer S.C.R.A.P
Though looking like a monster, there is a soft side to this module.
HP +200
Critical +300
Seagull BOT type: Any Item type: Coin head Req. Level: 0
Seagull is a skin of the Ripper Coin Head. Available during the 2022 Summer event
Tear into your foes with this enhanced head piece
HP +200
Critical +300
Harvester BOT type: Any Item type: Coin head Req. Level: 1
Harvester is a skin of the Dragoon Coin Head. Available during the 2022 Halloween event
Mystic forces are at play when channeling dragons!
HP +200
Critical +300
ArcticStripes BOT type: Any Item type: Coin head Req. Level: 1
ArcticStripes is a skin of the Stripes Coin Head. Available during the 2022 Winter event
Predator reflexes are built into this head module!
HP +200
Critical +300
ILOVEYOU2 BOT type: Any Item type: Coin head Req. Level: 1
ILOVEYOU2 is a rare drop from the Giftbox. Available during the 2022 Winter event
Ripped straight from the corrupted Santa virus itself.
HP +200
Critical +300

Otras Skins

Otras skins disponibles al usar el botón de Swap. Debes tener la versión permanente del objeto base.

DreadBat BOT type: Any Item type: Coin minibot Req. Level: 1
Dreadbat is a skin of the Drake Coin Mini-Bot. Available during the 2022 Halloween event
You will never be cold again with this flame breathing dragon.
HP +100
Trans Bot Attack +300
SkeletalAer BOT type: Any Item type: Wings Req. Level: 1
SkeletalAer is a skin of the DragoonAer Coin Wings. Available during the 2022 Halloween event
Even without scales, these wings are dragon-fast
Critical +300
Speed +65
CandyAura BOT type: Any Item type: Energy field Req. Level: 1
CandyAura is a skin of the LuckyAura Energy Field. Available during the 2022 Winter event
Festive luck to help get drops more often.
HP +2000
Luck +200
Frostbite BOT type: Any Item type: Wings Req. Level: 1
Frostbite is a skin of the Candy Coin Wings. Available during the 2022 Winter event
Don't let the name fool you, these wings are powerful
Critical +300
Speed +65
PolarJr. BOT type: Any Item type: Coin minibot Req. Level: 1
PolarJr. is a skin of the PandaJr. Coin Mini-Bot. Available during the 2022 Winter event
This friendly mini-bot will have your back.
HP +100
Trans Bot Attack +300

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